
Behind every successful keycap kit design there is a unique story and a passionate person to bring this idea into a real product.

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Creating since:2014
About Me:Engineer, soccer and automobile hobbyist.

GMK Sets.

My Keycap Designs:

GMK 3Run

GMK Laser

GMK Pulse

GMK Godspeed

GMK Belafonte

GMK Hennessey

GMK Pixel

GMK Serenity


GMK Trader & co-author of several sets.

My Favorite Sets.

The original GMK Handarbeit set for what it represents to the keyboard world as a whole. I believe that set represents the creativity and intricate engineering that goes behind manufacturing keycap sets.

I like the GMK Triumph Adler set because of the classic colors used, but I'm also a fan of fun community designs such as GMK Star.